Selecting dimension's default member based on a member property

Suppose, I need to write an MDX statement that selects a certain month of my Time dimension based on a Month level member property, FLAG_LAST_MONTH, below are the two approaches:

SELECT {StrToMember(Date.CurrentMember.Properties("FLAG_LAST_MONTH"))} on rows,

{} on columns

from MyCube


Based on the property name: FLAG_LAST_MONTH, I assume that it has a value like "1" only for one month.  In that case, you could use Filter() to select the desired month member:

SELECT Filter([Date].[Month].Members,

[Date].CurrentMember.Properties("FLAG_LAST_MONTH") = "1") on rows

from MyCube

If you try to use the below query, you get an error, since Date.CurrentMember.Properties("FLAG_LAST_MONTH") - doesn't return a member,

SELECT {Date.CurrentMember.Properties("FLAG_LAST_MONTH")} on rows,
{Date.Month.Members} on columns
from MyCube

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