Code : utility code for converting cellset to a data table


Private Function getDataTable(ByVal cs As AdomdClient.CellSet) As DataTable
        'design the datatable
        Dim dt As New DataTable
        Dim dc As DataColumn
        Dim dr As DataRow

        'add the columns
        dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Description")) 'first column
        'get the other columns from axis
        Dim p As AdomdClient.Position
        Dim name As String
        Dim m As AdomdClient.Member
        For Each p In cs.Axes(0).Positions
            dc = New DataColumn
            name = ""
            For Each m In p.Members
                name = name + m.Caption + " "
            dc.ColumnName = name

        'add each row, row label first, then data cells
        Dim y As Integer
        Dim py As AdomdClient.Position
        y = 0
        For Each py In cs.Axes(1).Positions
            dr = dt.NewRow 'create new row

            ' Do the row label
            name = ""
            For Each m In py.Members
                name = name & m.Caption & ""

            dr(0) = name 'first cell in the row

            ' Data cells
            Dim x As Integer
            For x = 0 To cs.Axes(0).Positions.Count - 1
                dr(x + 1) = cs(x, y).FormattedValue 'other cells in the row

            dt.Rows.Add(dr) 'add the row
            y = y + 1

        Return dt
    End Function


Anonymous said...

thanks for this very interesting script !!!
But, I think that there's an error: the "Cell Collection" it doesn't seem to be multidimensional (cs(x, y).FormattedValue ???).

' Data cells
Dim x As Integer
For x = 0 To cs.Axes(0).Positions.Count - 1
dr(x + 1) = cs(x, y).FormattedValue 'other cells in the row

How can I do?


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Sam Kane said...

Here are this and some other articles on Displaying OLAP Data:

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Trouble / Troubleshooting

Aggregate(), Sum() functions using calculated members does not work in Analysis Services 2005 SP2 (9.00.3042.00 version) but works in Analysis Services 2000 SP4

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Time Dimension: How to set Default Member to Current Month

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Code : utility code for converting cellset to a data table


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MDX Expression Builder : Need for a tool making it easier for functional users to write MDX expressions, queries.
