Setting dynamic default member in dimension X based on the current member of dimensions Y

Is it possible to define a default member in dimension X based on the current member of dimensions Y.

E.g. I have 2 dimensions Cust (Customer)  and Ver (version).

Suppose I have the following facts:

Customer 1, version 1

Customer 1, version 2

Customer 2, version 1

Customer 2, version 2

Customer 2, version 3

The default member in the version dimension should be the highest version for this specific Customer.

Customer 1, version 2

Customer 2, version 3

I wrote the following MDX

(TAIL(NONEMPTY({[Ver].[Ver - Ver].children}, [Cust].[Cust - Cust].CurrentMember), 1)).Item(0)

However this returns the following error when I try to browse the cube from BIDS.

DefaultMember(Ver,Ver) (1, 46) The dimension '[Cust]' was not found in the cube when the string, [Cust].[Cust - Cust], was parsed.

When I connect from Excel, the default member is ignored and the ALL level is used.


What I would do is to add a record into your version table called "Latest" or "Current" or something like that. Then I would setup this new member as the default member and add a script like the following to the cube.

SCOPE ([Ver].[Ver - Ver].[Current]);

   this = Aggregate(EXISTING [Cust].[Cust - Cust].Members

                         , TAIL(NONEMPTY({[Ver].[Ver - Ver].children} ), 1).Item(0)



This script finds all of the customers currently in context and then finds the last version for each one and aggregates them all together.

The problem with using .CurrentMember in a default member declaration is that .CurrentMember returns the member currently in context for a given query. The default member is established before any queries take place, so there is no .CurrentMember.

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